This is probably good news to hundreds of thousands of home owners across the country who are struggling to stay in their homes, with little or no alternatives. The freeze is anticipated to pause the process for at least one year - enabling homeowners to go without the pressure of making mortgage payments. At least for a few homeowners, this may be just the extra time they need to get their finances back on track, or at the very least prepare an alternative living situation for their families.

Apparently what is described as “faulty” paperwork, ranges from affidavits that do not stipulate who originated or owns the loan, to forged documents. This could mean that countless foreclosures may be overturned, which puts the many recent buyers of foreclosed properties on shaky grounds at the very least. Oh What tangled web we weave, to quote Sir Walter Scott. This essentially puts the last two years of foreclosed property sales in uncertain territory. Meanwhile, Back on Wall Street, this spells deep trouble for the big three, and many other mortgage underwriters. Although Wells Fargo and CitiGroup maintain that their documents are straight, that remains to be seen. It is hard to phathom the entire mortgage industry is pausing to resolve a nationwide scandal involving erroneous foreclosure documents, yet Wells Fargo and CitiBank mortgage documents are 100% clear of any errors.
Massive Costly Clean Up Ahead: As courts from state-to-state take on the daunting task of sifting through thousands of documents to verify the true mortgage holders, banks will have to expend costly legal support to prove their position. The costs on both sides of the fence will ultimately translate to higher interest rates for borrowers, and yet another nightmare for tax payers. It is difficult to determine how deep this crisis really is, but I imagine that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
K. Reilly
Cohn-Reilly Report
This is sad. People do make mistakes themselves by signing documents before even reading them. Felonies and then foreclosure freezes are happening everywhere now a days.