"It is ironic, but there is a growing consensus that there may be a new housing shortage coming," said James Gaines, a real estate economist with Texas A&M". “So far, the shortfall has been masked by a weak economy that has put a damper on home buying. Once the job market rebounds, however, people will look to have their own homes again. This pent-up demand could get unleashed on unprepared markets, causing shortages and rising local prices.”
“Household formation, the technical term for people moving in together, has been on hold during the past few years as young people, especially, have been unable to find jobs. In the past, an average of more than 1.3 million households were formed each year, causing demand for 1.5 million new homes (more homes than households are needed to replace those destroyed by fires, floods, teardowns and neglect.) In 2009, only 398,000 new households were formed, according to the Census Bureau. That is much lower than average and a quarter of the number formed just two years earlier.”
"The decline in household formation is artificial," said Gaines. "The young are moving in with their parents. There's even doubling up among working class people. There's a pent-up demand coming if and when the economy recovers."
Those doubting a new bubble point to a large inventory available. As many as 7 million homes are vacant but not for sale, according to the Census Bureau. That should provide a cushion to offset increased demand. "The housing market hasn't been this way before," said Nicolas Retsinas, director of Harvard's Joint Center for Housing Studies. "The gravity of the problem is deeper and the challenges different. You have to get through that inventory."
The inventory number, however, can be deceiving for two reasons - people may not want to live in hard-hit areas, for example California exurbs and Detroit neighborhoods, or the homes may be beyond repair. "Many of these vacant homes may not be habitable or are in locations where nobody wants to live," Gaines said.

Too many builders went out of business during the recession, so there will be fewer companies out there to do the building. The survivors will confront a transformed regulatory environment, according to Howard, that will make new homes harder to build and more expensive. "There is an increased focus on smart growth that will create regulatory barriers to the kind of sprawling development that has characterized a lot of recent building," said Retsinas.
Previous overbuilding of one-time boom towns, such as Las Vegas and Miami, should provide enough inventory of like-new homes to counter any strong pent-up demand that breaks free. It's the more constrained markets, where it's particularly hard to build such as New York, San Francisco and Seattle that will field the bulk of the new bubble problems, according to Retsinas. However, he is less worried about the purchase market than about rentals, the usual entree for the young buyers expected to lead the new housing market charge. "Nobody is building any rental inventory," said Retsinas.
Although there is still a surplus of houses for sale in many good areas, it is interesting to see people talking about a shortage in the not too distant future. That in itself is something that no one would have dared to mention, even a few months ago.
C. Cohn
Cohn-Reilly Report
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