Lest we forget, the portions of the stimulus package which were rolled out over the last 8 months are clearly doing its job in stimulating the economy. So what we are seeing are the results of the (much criticized) steps taken by the Obama administration, under the auspices of the Treasury Secretary, Geitner. The economic growth data was reported by the Commerce Department on Thursday, sending stocks into a much needed rally, following four straight days of losses. Consumer spending for cars and homes amounted to an increase of 3.5% from July through September. That's great news for sure, but it is too soon to break into a Kenny Ortega dance sequence. The stimulus programs, i.e., cash for clunkers, and first-time home buyers tax credit, have artificially induced activity in these sectors. These programs are essentially crutches for the economy to get it hopping along until it can actually go it alone.
The Commerce Department's data showing a decline in consumer spending in September, (which is right after the cash for clunkers program ended), tells the true story about the economy still struggling to get back on its feet. The graph below shows consumer spending in August reaching the same levels of August of 2008.

America should put these times of economic uncertainty in perspective: remember how long it took for the country to dig itself into this steep hole, and note that we cannot simply click a “Reset button” to get us out. The country’s economy is moving in the right track, and drifting away from the darkest days of the recession - and no, “we’re not there yet”.
K. Reilly
Cohn-Reilly Report
okay we're not there yet, but how long are folks going to have to wait to see more jobs. Also, how much taxes are going to be increased to save us from the excessive government spending